Importance of the SAT Refresher Course

Build Endurance and Carefulness

It is challenging for students to calculate time and take a full test at home. Typically, students tend to break up the test sections and score themselves, which can lead to a false sense of accomplishment. This way, students think they did better because they take each section separately with more focus and energy, resulting in a higher score. However, the actual SAT exam is one long test and requires focus and endurance to answer questions for three to four hours straight. If students are not used to this, they may lose focus during the exam and feel exhausted, which can lead to lower scores.

Avoid Forgetting

Although students who have recently completed an intensive summer course can be familiar with the problem-solving techniques taught, every week they do not have consistent practice and review they tend to forget the material. If they have not participated in any mock exams or practiced on their own, they can easily make mistakes during the upcoming official tests in August, October, December, or onwards.

Getting Rusty and Unfamiliar

Students who participate in mock exams through test prep courses may also feel a bit rusty initially, but they will recognize the test structure and remember the techniques they learned. During the exam, they may be unsure of an answer, but they will know that they have seen it before and may remember the correct approach. By reviewing the mistakes made during the mock exams, they will also gain a deeper understanding of the subject.

Increase Accuracy

Test preparation for the SAT is similar to learning a new language. If you do not practice consistently, you will forget the material. However, if you keep practicing, you will become better at it, and eventually, you will grasp the logic behind the questions and know what to expect. This knowledge can help you avoid traps, and your accuracy will improve.


By joining an SAT test prep course with mock exams, students will learn to concentrate for extended periods, improving their accuracy. As they continue to practice and review their mistakes, they will become more confident in their abilities, and their accuracy will increase further.


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